Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tolong! plz kindly choose the answer ty.

1) Did they look like icons?
(a) yes
(b) no
(c) no idea

2) What was the message delivered?
(a) flower pot and ladybird
(b) home and contact
(c) construction and animal

3) How about the colours?
(a) good
(b) can be improve
(c) suck

4) How was the design?
(a) good
(b) can be improve
(c) suck

5) Leave any comments. Thanks


  1. 1)yes
    2)flower pot and ladybird
    3)can be improved
    4)can be improved
    5)the flower pot icon overall is nice can be seen as hime but for the ladybird try black color for the head and body so it look like a bug

  2. 1) Yes
    2) A
    3)(Personal) Matched Well
    4)(Personal) Clip Art feel, overall well done.
    5) Simple and comfortable looking however it doesn't clear to see as an icon.

  3. 1)yes
    4)can b improve
    5)contact part, can make it more obvious like a phone... ladybird hav grab alot of attention, but hard to recognized as a phone...

  4. 1.yes
    2.home and contact
    4.can be improved
    5.I can see that they are home and contact, m i right? and if yes, it is not strong enough
